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Music was my first love

Alisa Saric

Alisa Saric

17. May 2024

Music was my first love
Music was my first love

Music was my first love

Alisa Saric

Alisa Saric

17. May 2024


A few more or less fun facts about me when I‘m not dancing or guiding people into movement:

Music was my first love, and it will be my last. I don’t like to deprive myself of great music by overidentifying with few genres – good music knows no genre & no expiry date. I started my day with some Quiet Storm tunes, and love cheesy“old music“ to death. After all, some of today‘s music will be tomorrow‘s classic too.

What still brings me the most joy is the very same stuff I loved when I was a kid: besides music, it‘s reading (I actually really enjoy learning – the world and its wonders are infinite), the soul-touching effects of really good food (damn!!), and observing people and wondering wtf we‘re collectively doing with this one life and one Earth we got.

I spent more time with books than with other kids when I was little. Still a homebody.

Before doing what I do now, I graduated in linguistics & went on to work in politics. My aim was to work for international organisations. Well, look at me today… oops.

️ I still have this deep fascination with words: the way they sound, the way the sound travels through the body, and the way the meanings make me feel… Or words with untranslatable meanings. Like the unsurpassable coziness in the German word Gemütlichkeit. Or like ćejf, the word that basically summarises our Bosnian philosophy of life. Words bring me indescribable joy.

I‘m still a deeply political being. I didn’t have much choice but turning out like that: politics and war were the reason me and many others had to start into life as refugees. Being apolitical and only about “love & light“ is a matter of privilege. Even movement and the lack thereof is an inherently political topic.

I wouldn’t say I dance and move for the sake of dancing and moving alone. What moves me the most is the endless curiosity about what moves humans in general – the hows, the whys. The experiental part is just one aspect of it.

What moves YOU?