Explore the latest updates from our community, as well as valuable tips & tricks on everything that moves pole dancers.
2 min reading time
Can you identify with this constant struggle to make algorithm-friendly decisions that often come at the expense of a sense of authenticity?
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Let go and your breath will return to you naturally. Viewing the breath as a purely mechanical act is a very…
1 min reading time
Serenity is a graceful form of self-confidence. – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach One of my favorite quotes that I picked up during my second week as a Middendorf respiratory therapist.
Working with the senses may look like nothing. It may look boring as hell to you. But trust me – the lived experience is so much richer than the visual noise of rushing through movements and oftentimes emulating something that’s perceived as “sensuality”.
Yes, high heels can help you start discovering your sensual or even erotic side.
6 min reading time
The time has come! Drehmoment 2.0 launches…
In the fall of 2021, the Lupit Pole team asked our Alisa to contribute a piece on self-care…
Inspiration lingers everywhere where I can observe the expression of life lived, and not just endured.
© Drehmoment 2025
Made with ❤️ by Flora Voelcker
Drehmoment 2.0 will open its digital doors on January 4, 2024! If you’re a Drehmoment member, you can already book through Virtualgym. Otherwise, you can also pre-register now for our digital class programs.
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