Let go, and your breath will naturally return to you.
Viewing breathing as a purely mechanical act is a very incomplete picture: there’s a biochemical respiration on a cellular level in addition to the ventilation of the lungs. If your biomechanics are off, your biochemistry is going to suffer, and vice versa. One brings about the other.
Did you know that there’s no need to “take” an inhale, and that your exhale naturally happens purely due to muscular relaxation?
Inhaling involves the contraction of mostly the diaphragm and additional, so called accessory muscles, creating a lower pressure in the lungs. This pressure difference causes air to rush in, filling the lungs with air. Exhaling occurs as the muscles relax, pushing air out by increasing the pressure in the lungs. This pneumatic mechanism enables the gas exchange, which eventually trades carbon dioxide for oxygen due to the perfusion in your lungs.
In BODYFUL BREATHING, we approach the breath both from a biomechanical, and also a biochemical viewpoint. Soothing the muscles through conscious movement, to allow for more relaxation, and for more width of the walls of your body, to leave the state of a tense and shallow inhale. With the help of the Buteyko method, we gently and safely manipulate the breath to feel the biochemical change. Together, these two methodologies have an incredible impact.
If your breathing is bothering you due to illness, lung conditions, allergies, or anxiety, I might be able to help you experience more freedom of breathing in addition to your medical therapy. If your breathing is bothering you from time to time, and you don’t know why, even more so.