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Alisa Saric

Alisa Saric

25. June 2024



Alisa Saric

Alisa Saric

25. June 2024

Serenity is a graceful form of self-confidence. – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

One of my favorite quotes that I picked up during my second week as a Middendorf respiratory therapist. Serenity does not demand attention because it is self-sufficient and self-confident enough to appreciate both the seemingly small and the seemingly big things.

I am so relieved that I have finally been able to create better working conditions for myself where I have more time to process new perspectives and physical discoveries instead of delivering immediately, regardless of the consequences to my body and mind. Dealing with other people feels so much easier when you start from a place of serenity, a place where I encounter myself anew every day and don’t have to let that serenity dull over time in order to continue functioning.

I am curious to see how growing serenity will manifest itself in my body. The next dances after this one will give it away.